Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And away!

We flew a plane. It was sweet.

There's a dude named Matt Walker who runs a flying club outside Taejon, and for 120 bucks, he'll let you fly his plane. No, really: you sit next to him in the 2-man cockpit, and while he handles the takeoff and landing, you're the person who actually does and hour's worth of flying. In the air.
And let me tell you, this plane ain't your uncle's Cessna. In the next two photos, Max shows us how fast the plane can go using creative poses.

By the end of the day, I could turn left and I could turn right and I could fly in a relatively straight line. We even did what Matt calls a "steep turn," which is a turn that is steep. But actually steep: the G-force pushes your cheeks back, and if you're not careful, the whole plane will start slicing sideways and you'll fall out of the sky. Which I didn't do. Take that, Lindbergh.

Moral of the story: flying planes is cool. It's a little scary at first, but once you start feeling that Borg-like man/machine symbiosis, it rocks. We all left feeling like this:

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